(Updated on 25th May 2012)
Exams are coming to a end, and also I need to sort out my work placement then I'm all good to complete and go. But I'm glad to say I'm back to working the flash again haha I'm going through development hell.
Thanks for support folks; Tyrant-D ain't dead yet ^_^
Oh come on dude! You are doing something wich Nintendo won't never at least imagine!!!
XD everybody thinks... if the true serie were so good as your joob, Pokemon would be the number videogame in all the world, and with their "cute" animation, they can just have only the kids atention.
XD come on you cand do it, continue your awesomes battle in name of everyone who is a really good trainer, don't you think?
Thanks for your intake, yes Many many have told me that my depiction of pokemon battles would look amazing on TV or the games. Even though I'm not at all a fan of pocket monsters I think the concept of the anime is genius. However to be realistic, the pokemon anime and games will cease to change anytime soon. There is a chance infact that someone new could take it into a new direction.
The only contribution I can make is to prehaps better my skills at AS3 flash actionscripting, and maybe bring my movies into a flash game or some sort in the future. So fans can get a new re-imaged intake of the innocent sweet pokemon. :)
Thanks for your comment